What is Detoxification?

by Cy



It takes a tremendous amount of courage and faith to step into the path of detox[ification] - the path of self love.” ~Ailin Duran, SpiriTrawpical Healing (1)

Detoxification is a word that is used, misused and thrown around quite a bit these days. Here, I will define detoxification as it relates to this initiative. I will explain the meaning of detoxification specifically outlined in the teachings and methodology of naturopathy expert and pioneer Dr. Robert Morse, ND, as a natural right and process innate to all of us; one that facilitates true regenerative healing (2). My intention is not to go in depth regarding the minutiae of detoxification at this time, but to provide an introduction for those new to the practice. 

When we feel sick, many of us have come to believe that the best course of action is to seek out the advice of allopathic medical professionals. Allopathic medicine is the modern healthcare system, the one many of us were born into, in which physicians and other health professionals “treat symptoms, diseases, [and life processes] using drugs, radiation or surgery” (3). Without detracting from the invaluable emergency care provided by medical professionals, when physicians prescribe one or more of these treatments, detrimental side effects are the result. In an industry valued at over 10 trillion dollars globally, many of us expect doctors to follow one of these three courses of action, or we feel somehow short-changed (4).

Some of us who are experiencing ailments seek out alternative or holistic medical care (5). In this context, we are given herbal remedies and methods that may or may not be effective at relieving symptoms, but which sometimes come with fewer adverse effects. Still, this lies in the realm of what Dr. Morse refers to as “treatment-based thinking,” which always fails to address the underlying challenges, and allows toxicity to settle deeper into our bodies.

Treatment-based approaches are analogous to acting upon a clogged, overflowing toilet by spraying air freshener to alleviate the stench. Allopathic medicine might suggest a commercial aerosol disinfectant while a holistic or complementary approach may recommend an aerosol-free spray made from more natural-seeming ingredients. Detoxification, in contrast, looks for what is causing the toilet to malfunction and resolves the problem by removing the source of the clog.

In both allopathic and alternative approaches, the underlying cause of the symptoms is not understood because no one is looking for it. Is our ultimate goal to disguise our symptoms, never dealing with the cause? To suppress the body’s attempts to clean itself at the slightest hint of discomfort? Or to solve the core issues that are causing the body to exhibit symptoms in the first place?

Once we have an expressed intention to get to the root of our health challenges and to figure out what is causing them so they can be healed, we have reached a critical juncture. This is the point at which detoxification can begin, our original inbuilt healing system, used by humans (and all animals) since the beginning of time! (6)  As stated by Dr. Robert Morse, ND, detoxification is “a system of curing by addressing the cause of disease. It involves the understanding that the body is the healer, and that energy is at the core of healing” (7). Our working definition of detoxification is “the process of cleansing and alkalizing the body. The removing of obstructions that block energy and the proper function of cells and the individual. A necessary requirement in returning to vibrant health.” (8) In order to detoxify, we need: our bodies, acceptance of full responsibility and intention to heal, fruits, vegetables, herbs, physical movement and rest.  

The human body is an innate detoxifier. We are equipped with cleansing organs that constantly eliminate waste and toxins to facilitate our survival. All of the components of detoxification work together to support the body’s natural ability to accomplish the process but it is the body that does the work. “There is no product of any kind that will restore health in an unbalanced, diseased body. ONLY the body can do any healing, any balancing and any regeneration” (9). I find it incredible that far from being some esoteric practice found only in a rare book on the top shelf at an obscure health food store, detoxification is something already taking place within us!

Accepting responsibility for ourselves means that we take control of our own health. No longer will we project responsibility for our wellbeing onto fate, microorganisms, the government, genetics, physicians, serendipity, no! We will move forward with the understanding that the decisions we make are what determine the quality of our lives. This is not to say that factors like family and personal health histories have no role. With proper intentionality, we begin the healing process informed by past experiences and empowered with confidence in our natural abilities going forward.

Cleansing requires that we remove as many toxins as we can from our lives. Dietary toxins include dairy, meat, animal products, grains, beans, drugs, alcohol, chemicals and artificial substances, all of which are acid-forming. Fats must be minimized or removed as well so that the focus is predominantly on fruits as well as green, leafy vegetables with everything in its natural, raw state. Fruits are the foods that were designed for us. Fruits are a perfect food for humans because they are the most detoxifying foods on earth while simultaneously offering our cells perfectly suited energy and hydration. Fruits are the primary and oftentimes exclusive food used while detoxifying. Vegetables can be used in moderation. Vegetables slow down detoxification due to their lower electrical energy and composition. However, they can be included for grounding and to back off when detoxification becomes too intense. “Superior deep-tissue detoxification can only take place with fruits. Vegetables, because of their lower energetic, antioxidant and astringent properties, and their complex cellulose structures will only detoxify you so far, and then you will plateau.”(10)

Herbs support the healing of the organs and body systems. They can increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the detoxification process. If you are able to acquire pure, living herbs, grown wildly in nature or cultivated responsibly, this is always your best option. Be certain to consult with a skilled herbalist for advice on how to integrate herbs into your protocol. Comparing several different brands of herbs, I personally have had great experiences with the formulations of Dr. Robert Morse, ND. I appreciate their gentle strength and purity. The ingredients are transparent so you can also seek out the herbs from other sources, research their uses and customize them to your health needs. Herbs greatly help the healing process along but if you cannot access herbs, proceed with the other elements of the detoxification plan. 

Physical activity is necessary for the movement of lymph, the body’s sewer system. It also benefits the circulatory system and facilitates detoxification through the skin via sweating. We should move on whatever level we can. Even bedridden individuals can usually find a way to move or have someone assist them. Just keep it light. Detoxification is not the time for extreme or intense workouts. We are aiming to conserve energy for healing and regeneration. That brings us to the importance of rest. Rest is like the string that ties everything together, allowing the body the time, space and energy to heal.

You can enhance your cleansing process with an iris reading from a skilled iridologist, a valuable tool that can help you develop a plan designed for your unique strengths and weaknesses. You can also add supportive detoxification practices to your regimen if you are interested in reaping additional benefits. Skin brushing is a simple ritual which stimulates the movement of the lymphatic fluid, promoting the release of toxins. Massages, enemas, colonics and liver flushes are additional examples. I plan on dedicating time to exploring supportive therapies in more detail in the future.

In sum, detoxification takes place by:

  • Having a genuine, heart-based commitment to the healing process

  • Consuming mostly raw fruits and some vegetables (separately)

  • Consuming detoxifying herbs

  • Moving physically and gently in whatever way you can every day

  • Rest

The brilliant, innate, life changing process of detoxification was a revelation to me after many years as a vegan and raw foodist. Detoxification pushed my healing process to the next level and completely reconfigured my perspectives on food, cleansing and nutrition as well as my understanding of self. Detoxification gets to the base of any and all health issues and heals us from the inside out. It is also a shield against the abundance of harmful and life threatening health misinformation spread by allopaths and alternative folks alike. Detoxification is the pathway towards liberation for us all! 

When we stop hurting ourselves, we heal. When we stop feeding ourselves junk and poisons, we detoxify, naturally. It is not a cure, not a magic bullet, it is much grander. It is who we are.” ~Hilde Larsen (11)


(1) Duran, Ailin. Emotional Detox Symptoms and the Path of Self Love. https://www.spiritrawpicalhealing.com/single-post/2019/06/14/emotional-detox-symptoms-and-the-path-of-self-love 

(2) Dr. Robert Morse, ND is a naturopathic doctor and pioneer in the field of regenerative naturopathy with over 40 years of experience healing individuals from a wide variety of ailments. Learn more about his work at drmorsesherbalhealthclub.com 

(3) Allopathic and Osteopathic Medicine. https://www.cc-seas.columbia.edu/preprofessional/health/types/allopathic.php 

(4) Stasha, Smiljanic. “The State of Healthcare Industry - Statistics for 2021,” Policy Advice. (2/14/21) https://policyadvice.net/insurance/insights/healthcare-statistics/

(5) Still another course is to pursue osteopathic or complementary medicine, a mishmash of allopathic and alternative health, where you may receive a combination of pharmaceuticals, radiation, surgeries along with treatment-based alternative therapies. 

(6) Regenerative Detoxification. https://www.earthsongfarm.com/RegenerativeDetoxification.htm 

(7) Morse, Robert, ND. The Detox Miracle Sourcebook, One World Press, 2012 (2)

(8) Morse, Robert ND. The Detox Miracle Sourcebook, One World Press, 2012 (340)

(9) Larsen, Hilde. What is Detoxification and Why is it Lifesaving? https://inspiredbyhilde.com/what-is-detoxification-why-is-it-lifesaving/

(10) The Detox Diet. https://www.earthsongfarm.com/WellBeingDetoxDiet.htm

(11) Larsen, Hilde. No Detoxification, No True Health. Let the Truth Speak. https://inspiredbyhilde.com/no-detoxification-no-true-health-let-truth-speak/


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